I just repost from
Posted by Craig Zelizer on November 24, 2013 at 12:22am
Dear Colleagues,
There are countless opportunities for individuals seeking to pursue
academic study at all levels to obtain financial support from private
foundations, directly from academic institutions and from various
governmental and intergovernmental agencies. In addition, there are a
number of fellowships that provide funding for independent
research/internships/language study as part of (or after completing) an
academic program. As part of developing increased field experience and
opportunities, outside funding can be a wonderful opportunity to support
work. It is not always easy to obtain a fellowship, as there can be
significant competition for a limited number of fellowships. This guide
is divided into four parts. The first is general suggestions how to
obtain funding, the second is how to develop/write a successful funding
application, the third is key funding/scholarship resources and the
fourth is a list of key funding institutions.
There are countless opportunities for individuals seeking to pursue
academic study at all levels to obtain financial support from private
foundations, directly from academic institutions and from various
governmental and intergovernmental agencies. In addition, there are a
number of fellowships that provide funding for independent
research/internships/language study as part of (or after completing) an
academic program. As part of developing increased field experience and
opportunities, outside funding can be a wonderful opportunity to support
work. It is not always easy to obtain a fellowship, as there can be
significant competition for a limited number of fellowships. This guide
is divided into four parts. The first is general suggestions how to
obtain funding, the second is how to develop/write a successful funding
application, the third is key funding/scholarship resources and the
fourth is a list of key funding institutions.
- Direct Funding from the University
– A number of competitive universities at the BA (sometimes) MA (more
often) level will offer partial (and occasionally full scholarships)
directly to the most competitive students and especially at the Ph.D.
level. - Outside Scholarships
– See the resources on the this page for outside funding for academic
(mostly graduate) study. There are many, many resources available to
students depending on the location of study. The Ford International
Fellowship is great (only open to citizens of certain countries), the
Rotary World MA Peace Fellows (open to all, for study at six select
universities. Applicants need to be over 25 and have at least a few
years work experience in the peace/development field). - Government Agencies
– Often select government agencies do provide funding opportunities.
For example the US government provides Fulbright Scholarships and
others. The German Government has the DAAD Agency. Check with the
embassies of respective countries on their websites in your country or
do some general searching. - Friends/Family/Local Businesses
– Sometimes through a combination of creative support from
friends/family and local business there may be a way to piece together
funding. However, investing some time in energy in researching and
applying for appropriate opportunities can be invaluable. Below are some
suggestions for how to write a successful funding application and
information on several leading fellowships and key organizations.SUGGESTIONS FOR WRITING SUCCESSFUL FELLOWSHIP APPLICATIONS
- Carefully Read the Funding Requirements and Goals of the Fellowship
– This may sound like common sense, but it is critical to carefully
read over the details of any funding opportunities. What are the goals
of the funder? What are the administrative details (deadline,
citizenship restrictions, etc.)? Many people do not take the time to
educate themselves and frame their applications using the appropriate
language to meet the goals of the funders. Alternatively, they may miss
key logistical details that can cause an application to be disqualified.
- Frame Your Previous (and future) Experience as Part of a Coherent Narrative –
One of the keys to writing a winning application is to demonstrate
clearly how your previous academic and professional experience makes you
qualified for a particular opportunity. Write a coherent narrative,
demonstrating long-standing interest in a particular region, topic,
explain how the fellowship will help you develop additional expertise
and how this will be useful in the post-fellowship period in your career
and for the larger society.
- Search out Multiple Fellowship Opportunities
– Applying for fellowships can be very competitive. If possible, apply
for several different fellowships at the same time. Consider that for
many competitions there can be between 5-20 applicants per fellowship.
Thus if you can identify various opportunities that are of interest and
apply for several this will help increase your chances of having at
least one (or more successful applications).
- Keep your Essays Focused, Clear and Logical –
For most fellowship review processes, a single reviewer may read
between 20-50 applications. Thus, it is important that in writing your
essays that you provide clear, logical and easy to follow arguments. If
it is a research fellowship, explain your research goals, questions,
methods of research and intended outcomes. If it is a language
fellowship, provide a clear plan of study and demonstrate your
commitment to pursuing further language beyond this particular
- Proofread and Peer Review
– One method that can help ensure a quality application is to have your
professors and/or colleagues read through the application. Ask if your
essays are compelling, to assist with grammatical editing, etc.
Sometimes working in peer groups where you might share your initial
ideas with colleagues can help in further refining and developing your
- Learn from Rejection
– Often applications may not be approved. You can take this a learning
opportunity. Some donors will provide you with feedback about why you
were not successful and perhaps encourage you to revise and resubmit in
future years.
- Start Early
– Many fellowship applications are due eight-12 months in advance. Thus
you need to start research and exploring opportunities with sufficient
- What are other Suggestions? Please feel free to provide additional suggestions for writing successful scholarship applications?

There are many resources for finding scholarship opportunities and the list below provide some key suggestions.
- Consult Your University
– Often your academic advisors, study abroad offices and other
university divisions can be a wonderful source of information about
fellowship opportunities. Also when you’re applying to academic
institutions for study, inquire about specific funding that may be
- The Peace and Collaborative Development Site
There are hundreds of scholarship and fellowship opportunities posted
on this site. You can find these opportunities in the forums on
Fellowship Opportunities and also Research. A useful way to identify
opportunities is to search by keywords such as fellowship, scholarship,
- See the Association of Professionals Schools in International Affairs Guide toFellowships and Scholarships.
- The Alliance for Peacebuilding Member List
– Listserv for Alliance for Peacebuilding Members that provides
information on many scholarship opportunities around the world at all
levels. - The Chronicle of Higher Education – Provides information some advanced (usually post-doc) fellowship opportunities.
- Idealist, one of the leading nonprofit career sites has recently developed the Public Service Graduate Education Resource Center.
This is a terrific site that has key information for individuals
seeking to pursue graduate programs related to social change. The
resources includes tips for how to select a program, how to write an
effective application, application procedures, identifying funding and
more. - H-HET – Website network that provides information on numerous fellowship opportunities related to academia.
- American Political Science Association Funding Resources– – Maintains a wonderful list of fellowships and grants for undergraduate, graduate, post-doc and research opportunities.
- Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Fellowship – Rotary
Centers provide Rotary World Peace Fellows with the opportunity to
pursue a master’s degree in conflict resolution, peace studies,
international relations, and related areas. Each year, up to 60 Rotary
World Peace Fellowships are offered on a competitive basis at six Rotary
Centers, which operate in partnership with seven leading universities.
Applications need to be over 25 years of age and have several years
experience. - Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship – The
purpose of the Ambassadorial Scholarships program is to further
international understanding and friendly relations among people of
different countries and geographical areas. The program sponsors
academic year scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students as
well as for qualified professionals pursuing vocational studies. While
abroad, scholars serve as goodwill ambassadors to the host country and
give presentations about their homelands to Rotary clubs and other
groups. Upon returning home, scholars share with Rotarians and others
the experiences that led to a greater understanding of their host
country. - Echoing Green’s Fellowship Program
– Echoing Green awards two-year fellowships to emerging social
innovators. Annually, we award fellowships to individuals with
innovative ideas for creating new models for tackling seemingly
unsolvable social challenges. These fellowships offer them the
opportunity to develop and test their ideas. - Ford International Fellowships –
The Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (IFP) was
launched by the Ford Foundation in 2000 to provide opportunities for
advanced study to exceptional individuals who will use this education to
become leaders in their respective fields, furthering development in
their own countries and greater economic and social justice worldwide.
To ensure that Fellows are drawn from diverse backgrounds, IFP actively
seeks candidates from social groups and communities that lack systematic
access to higher education. IFP’s New York-based secretariat
collaborates closely with partner organizations in 22 countries and
territories. - Fulbright Fellowships
– Offers fellowship for US students and faculty to study and conduct
research/teaching abroad and for international students and faculty to
pursue opportunities in the US. - United States Institute of Peace Senior and Ph.D. Fellowships
– The Jennings Randolph Program for International Peace awards Senior
Fellowships to enable outstanding scholars, policymakers, journalists,
and other professionals from around the world to conduct research at the
U.S. Institute of Peace on important issues concerning international
conflict and peace. Peace Scholar Dissertation Fellowships (open to Ph.D. students studying in the US).
These fellowships are intended to support the research and writing of
doctoral dissertations addressing the sources and nature of
international conflict and ways of preventing or ending conflict and
sustaining peace. - The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund (US)
The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund provides grants to students actively
working for peace and justice. These need-based scholarships are awarded
to those able to do academic work at the university level and who are
part of the progressive movement on the campus and in the community. - The Herbert Scoville Jr.Peace Fellowship (US)
The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship invites college graduates
(Graduate Student or Ph.D./M.D./Other Professional) to apply for
full-time, six to nine-month fellowships in Washington, District of
Columbia. Outstanding individuals will be selected to work with
nonprofit, public-interest organizations addressing peace and security
issues. - National Security Education Program
– The National Security Education Program (NSEP) provides a unique
funding opportunity for U.S. students (undergraduate, graduate and
post-graduate) to study world regions critical to U.S. interests
(including Africa, Asia, Central/Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America
& the Caribbean, and the Middle East). NSEP was designed to provide
Americans with the resources and encouragement they need to acquire
skills and experiences in areas of the world critical to the future
security of our nation in exchange for a commitment to seek work in the
federal government. - Thomas Pickering Fellowship
(Graduate and Undergraduate). The goal of the fellowship Graduate
Fellowship program is to attract outstanding students who enroll in
two-year master’s degree programs in public policy, international
affairs, public administration, or academic fields such as business,
economics, political science, sociology, or foreign languages, who
represent all ethnic, racial and social backgrounds and who have an
interest in pursuing a Foreign Service career in the U.S. Department of
State. The Pickering Undergraduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship seeks to
recruit talented students in academic programs relevant to international
affairs, political and economic analysis, administration, management,
and science policy. The goal is to attract outstanding students from all
ethnic, racial, and social backgrounds who have an interest in pursuing
a Foreign Service career in the U.S. Department of State. - Gates Cambridge FellowshipThe
Gates Cambridge Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship established by
the Gates Cambridge Trust in order to give students from around the
world the opportunity to study at Cambridge in one of three programs: a
second Bachelor’s degree, one-year postgraduate course leading to a
Master’s degree, or research and work leading to a Ph.D. (scholars are
funded for a period of 1 to 4 years). The Gates Cambridge Scholarship
provides University tuition, a stipend for living expenses, and one
return airfare. - Chevening Scholarships
– are prestigious awards available to international students for
post-graduate study in the United Kingdom. They are available in more
than 130 countries and around 1000 new Chevening Scholarships are
awarded globally each year. Chevening scholarships offer an ideal
opportunity for young, high-flying graduates not only to study their
chosen subject, but also to meet and network with their peers in the
unique learning atmosphere that the UK provides. The ultimate objective
is to build a network of friends of the UK, who will be future leaders
in their countries. - Kathryn Davis Fellowships for Peace
for Summer Language Study at Middlebury College – The Davis Fellowships
are merit-based and intended for exceptionally qualified individuals
with demonstrated interest in one or more of the following areas:
international, global, or area studies; international politics and
economics; peace and security studies; and/or conflict resolution.
Individuals in other fields, including working professionals, are also
encouraged to apply if their field of expertise requires them to study
one of the critical languages listed supported by the program which
include Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Portuguese, and Russian. - Reagan-Fascell Democrcy Fellows Program
National Endowment for Democracy, enable democratic practitioners,
scholars, and journalists from around the world to deepen their
understanding of democracy and enhance their ability to promote
democratic change. Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows maintain full-time
residence at the International Forum for Democratic Studies, NED’s research arm located in Washington, D.C. - Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme -aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD programmes in Hong Kong’s institutions.
of these institutions sponsor and/or administer a number of fellowship
opportunities. Therefore spending some time on each organization’s
website to explore given opportunities can be invaluable.
of these institutions sponsor and/or administer a number of fellowship
opportunities. Therefore spending some time on each organization’s
website to explore given opportunities can be invaluable.
- Soros Foundation/Open Society Institute –
Offers a number of fellowship and scholarship opportunities for
students and professionals around the world. One new fellowship
opportunity started in 2008 is the Open Society Fellowship - International Institute for Education –
Offers a number of fellowships for students and non-students. Most
notable include Fulbright Fellowships (which are often open to
non-students), National Security Education Program for Undergraduates
and Graduates (study abroad program), and many others. They also
maintain a wonderful site on Scholarships for US and International
Students, see http://www.fundingusstudy.org/StateSearch.asp - International Research & Exchanges Board –
Offers several fellowship opportunities for graduate students and
faculty to conduct field research abroad (short-term and long-term) - Social Science Research Council –
SSRC fellowship and grant programs provide support and professional
recognition to innovators within fields, and especially to younger
researchers whose work and ideas will have longer-term impact on society
and scholarship. - American Council of Learned Societies –
CLS offers fellowships and grants in over one dozen programs, for
research in the humanities and humanistic social sciences at the
doctoral and postdoctoral levels. - AMIDEAST –
Administers a number of private, institutional, and non-U.S. government
scholarship programs for students and professionals from the Middle
East and North Africa, most of which are for study at U.S. universities. - The Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Souther… (OSSREA)
is a regional membership-based and donor-supported research and
capacity-building organization whose mission is to promote dialogue and
interaction between researchers and policy-makers in Eastern and
Southern Africa with a view to enhancing the impact of research on
policy-making and development planning. Its headquarters is based in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. They offer several research fellowships each
year. - The International Institute of Education maintains a useful directory of scholarships for study abroad, IIE Passport.
This valuable funding resource allows you to search by country or
subject to find the study abroad funding information that you need. Our
comprehensive database of study abroad scholarships, fellowships, and
grants can help make your dream of studying abroad a financial
possibility and a profound reality. - Alfa Fellowship Program
The Alfa Fellowship Program provides a new and exciting opportunity for
young professionals from the US to live and work in Russia and to
enable them to develop a genuine expertise through individualized
professional assignments. - German Academic Exchange Council – DAAD offers a wide range of opportunities to students, scholars, for study and research in Germany
- Netherlands Fellowship Programmes
(NFP) – The NFP are demand-oriented fellowship programmes designed to
promote institutional development. The NFP target group consists of
mid-career professionals who are in employment. They offer MA, Ph.D. and
short-course fellowships for applicants from select countries to study
in the Netherlands. - Irish Department of Foreign Affairs Scholarships in Conflict Resolution
(only open to EU Citizens) – This Scheme will offer opportunities for
suitably qualified women and men to pursue one of the following
post-graduate degrees at a recognised higher education institution in
Ireland which include MA and Ph.D. Degrees at select institutions that
are research based. - Other Suggestions?