Overseas Journey
Conference Papers
Muhammad, J (2017) ‘Post-Brexit: The Challenges and Opportunities of UK Cities in Maintaining Urban Sustainability’ Paper presented at the Xth International Geographical Union (IGU) Conference, Hyderabad India, 17-19 March 2017. Special session: Sustainable development.Muhammad, J (2017) ‘Municipal Strategies of New-Build Gentrification in Rotterdam, the Netherlands’ Paper will be presented at RGS-IBG Postgraduate Forum Mid-Term Conference, Cardiff University UK, 19th-21st April 2017. Special session: Urban Geography.
Muhammad, J (2017) ‘After Brexit: The Challenges and Opportunities of Urban Regeneration for the UK and European Cities’ Paper will be presented at RSA Annual Conference 2017, Dublin Ireland, 4th-7th June 2017. Special session: Will Urban & Regional Leadership be in Crisis, Post-Brexit?
Muhammad, J (2016) ‘Conflict and Solution for Flyover Development Issues in Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman’ Paper presented at The 13th International Asian Urbanization Conference, Yogyakarta indonesia, 6th-8th January 2016. Special session: Urban Planning and Urban Governance. ISBN 978-979-8786-58-7
Muhammad, J (2015) ‘Regional Potential of ASEAN in Improving Global Competitiveness’ become a steering committee at The 1st ASEAN Geography Student Conference, Yogyakarta Indonesia, 7th-8th November 2015.
Muhammad, J (2015) ‘Analisis Dampak Sosial dan Ekonomi dalam Pembangunan Flyover Jombor di Kabupaten Sleman’ Yogyakarta: Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa UNY Volume X: ISSN 1858-4446
Muhammad, J (2014) ‘Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Application to Estimate the Level for Flood Vulnerability around Code River Flow Yogyakarta City’ Paper presented at InternationalConference on DisasterRisk Reductionand Education (ICDRRE), Yogyakarta Indonesia, 16th-17th September 2014. Special session: Disaster Information System. ISBN 978-602-7981-45-4
Muhammad, J (2014) ‘Analysis of Public Participation in Biogas Processing in Gamping Market Yogyakarta Through Social and Economic Perspective’ Paper presented at International Petrogas Days UI Conference, Jakarta Indonesia, 8th March 2014. Special session: Social and Economic.
Muhammad, J (2014) ‘Revitalisasi Biogas Energy Intallation di Sentra Pasar Buah Gamping Yogyakarta Guna Mencapai Kemandirian Migas Indonesia’ Paper presented at National Student Conference, Yogyakarta Indonesia, 14th-16th March 2014.