Dear Janu Muhammad’s Blog Visitors,
Janu Muhammad is a Founder and CEO of Sayur Sleman, a platform which offers gardening supplies, regenerative farming programs, urban farming training, agribusiness consultation, and free vegetable donation program starting 2020. Sayur Sleman’s innovations not only provide business but transform and empower the local communities in Indonesia. Through the Sayur Sleman Academy program, more than 2000 young people have become agribusiness training participants. Janu, an inspirational and passionate person, has more than 7 years experience working on project management, community development, and agribusiness sector. He has worked with grassroot communities and multi-stakeholder in combating poverty, ending hunger in rural-urban societies, and young farmers’ regenerations across Indonesia.
Prior to developing Sayur Sleman, Janu spent 3 years as a CEO to connect with local, national, and global networks such as Indonesia Millennial Farmer Association, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Youth and Sport, National Food Agency, UNDP Accelerator Lab Indonesia, SDG Academy Indonesia, Ministry of National Development Planning, and Regional Center of Expertise (RCE) Global. Janu was also given a mandate to lead Indonesia Delegate for K-Smart Farm Workshop in South Korea 2023 – a fully funded smart farming training for millennial farmers.
Janu has been recognised as Young Ambassador Agriculture 2023 and received SDG Certified Leader Award from SDG Academy Indonesia, Tanoto Foundation, BAPPENAS and the UNDP Indonesia for supporting the Sustainable Development Goals. This year (2023) he also received an award from the Minister of Youth and Sports of Republic Indonesia for his dedication and impact in training new young entrepreneurs. He was also selected as an Atlantic Fellow through the Equity Initiative Fellowship 2024 program to undertake training in several countries.
Janu graduated from the Geography Education Department, Yogyakarta State University in 2015 and got a scholarship to pursue a master degree at University of Birmingham, UK. Previously, he had also attended summer courses at Utrecht University, the Netherlands and Arizona State University with full scholarships.
Janu aspires to be a world-class agri-socio entrepreneur who provides benefits to Indonesian and global society. Janu can be contacted via email or instagram @janu_muhammad. His full profile is available at .
Assalamu’alaikum teman-teman
Saya Janu, seorang blogger asal Kabupaten Sleman yang mulai menulis di sini sejak 2012. Saya tertarik mengulas tentang pendidikan, kepemudaan, beasiswa, pengasuhan, SDGs, ulasan produk, ataupun topik lainnya. Selain ngeblog, saya juga kerap diundang menjadi pembicara di seminar/training.
Saya pernah mengenyam pendidikan formal di SMP N 1 Sleman, SMA N 2 Yogyakarta, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Universitas Birmingham Inggris, Arizona State University, U.S (fellowship), dan Utrecht University Belanda (summer school). Beberapa negara yang pernah saya kunjungi untuk kegiatan ilmiah/exchange/summit/ traveling: Belanda, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Amerika, Inggris, Irlandia, Perancis, Belgia, Jerman, Austria, Hungaria, Ceko.
Personal blog ini saya persembahkan untuk pembaca sekalian, semoga menemukan inspirasi dan manfaat ya. Untuk kenal lebih jauh, saya sampaikan beberapa pengalaman saya. Jangan sungkan untuk diskusi dan kolaborasi dengan saya ya.
- Juara 1 Duta Pemuda Tani Indonesia by DPP Pemuda Tani (2022)
- Delegasi Terpilih Young Water Sustainability Leaders, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan serta Top 50 Paper Terpilih Europe Trip (Mei, 2022)
- Cohort of Accelerator Regional Membership ImpactHub Asia Pacific (2022)
- Peserta Terpilih Social Impact 101 Indika Foundation (2022)
- Peserta Terpilih Building Purposeful Business PT Nutrifood (2022)
- Finalis Gama Inovasi Startup Summit (2022)
- Juara Favorit Lomba Menulis Youth for SDGs Summit by SDG Academy Indonesia (2022)
- The 1st Winner of Social Ideas Competition by Sekolah Relawan (Feb, 2022)
- Delegasi Terpilih Youth for SDGs Summit by UNDP Indonesia & UNICEF Indonesia (Feb, 2022)
- Book “Blog at First Sight” as Best Seller with 254pcs printed (January, 2022)
- The 1st Winner of National Blog Competition by DINKOPUKM DIY (2021)
- Indonesia Representative of Global RCE SDG Youth Challenge (2021)
- The Winner of Urban Innovation Challenge by UNDP Accelerator Labs (2021)
- The 1st Winner of National Blog Competition by DISKOMINFO DIY (2021)
- The 1st Winner of Blog Competition by DINKOPUMKM DIY (2019)
- The Favorite Winner of IESR Blog Competition by IESR & Climate Transparency (2019)
- The 1st Winner of National Writing Competition by Badan Otorita Borobudur (2021)
- The 2nd Winner of Opinion Contest by Yayasan Peduli Kasih ABK (2021)
- The Winner of Mortar Utama Story Competition (2021)
- Finalist of National Microblog Contest by Maritim Muda Nusantara (2021)
- The Most Favorite Winner of Microblog & Poster Contest by IETD (2021)
- Awardee of Paragon Innovation Award Sociopreneur Category by PT Paragon Innovation Technology (2021)
- The 1st Winner of Inspirasi Muda Indonesia by (2020)
- The 3rd Winner of National Writing Contest by GMB (2020)
- The Social Project Award ‘’ by Gerakan Mari Berbagi (2020)
- Top 25 Pasangan Muda Inspiratif dan Berprestasi by Ministry of Youth Republic Indonesia (2019)
- Certified Apple Teacher from Apple (2019)
- Won more than 15 competitions from 2012-2021 and visited more than 10 countries for professional opportunities, speaker in more than 200 events since 2012
- Dreampreneur Journey (Dandelion Publisher, Feb 2022) – Best Seller
- Extra Miles: Kisah Inspiratif 23 Alumni YSEALI (Dandelion Publisher, Feb 2022)
- Rainbow After The Rain (Dandelion Publisher, Feb 2022)
- Blog at First Sight (Dandelion Publisher, January 2022) – Best Seller
- Inspirasi Keluarga Muda (Dandelion Publisher, January 2022)
- Chemistry in My Life (Dandelion Publisher, 2021)
- Sebuah Kisah Membangun Mimpi Anak Usia Dini (Kemdikbud, 2020)
- Mengangkasa (Nalar Pemuda, 2020)
- Praktik Baik Ayah Hebat (Kemdikbud, 2017)
- Soul Travellers (Grasindo, 2017) – Best Seller
- 25 Kisah Ilmuwan Indonesia yang Mendunia (PT Elex Media Komputindo, 2017)
- Menembus Batas (CES Jogja Publishing, 2015)
- Peran Perpustakaan dalam Mendukung Atmosfer Pembelajaran Kolaboratof dan Inspiratif (Perpustakaan UGM, 2015)
- I Believe I Can Fly (CES Jogja Publishing, 2014)
- Persembahan Cinta untuk Ayah dan Bunda (UKKI Press, 2014)
- Profil 1000 Petani Milenial DIY (2022)
- Startup Insight from Campus (2022)
- Nasihat Ibu : Antologi Memoar (2022)
- Kisahku Bermulai : Sebuah Perjalanan Penulis Antologi (2022)
- Extra Miles : Kisah Inspiratif 23 Alumni YSEALI (2022)
- Sastrawan Handphone (2022)
- Aplikasi Abgrio Cara Mudah Identifikasi Hama Tanaman (2022)
- Contextual Teaching and Learning : Meraih Sukses Belajar Matematika (2022)
- Dreampreneur Journey : Kisah Inspiratif 21 Wirausaha Indonesia (2022)
- Bahasa : lancar dalam Bahasa Indonesia, Inggris, dan Jawa
- Minat : public speaking, blogging, copywriting, content writing, writerpreneur, sociopreneur
- Keterampilan : Microsoft Office, iPad/iOs Apps (keynote, pages, numbers, iMovie), Canva, blogspot, wordpress, FB&IG Ads, Google workspace
- Kompetensi : ability to work in dynamic environment, enthusiastic, self- started who contributes well to the team
Berikut saya share juga sebuah film Orang Tuaku Profesor yang menceritakan perjalanan saya bersama keluarga. Tetap semangat berkarya dan menjadi inspirasi ya!